"Мне плевать что вы обо мне думаете, я о вас не думаю вообще." Коко Шанель
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The frontman told Gigwise that, with he and his bandmates playing "fucking gruelling" Stateside tours to achieve success over the pond, it was "frustrating" to see the boyband rise to stardom so quickly in the US.
One Direction made US chart history earlier this year (March 21) when they became the first British act to enter the Billboard albums chart at Number One with their debut album, but Meighan said of the group: It's frustrating when you see five little dicks like that take over America, it's horrific but you've just got to get on with it. They're a boyband for God's sake and there will always be room for boybands. They're kids. Let them eat the candy. (так их, так )
Discussing Kasabian's attempts to crack the US market, meanwhile, he said: "We went to America and it was a harsh fucking tour we did. We did nearly eight weeks out there and it was fucking gruelling. It was the hardest we've ever been pushed. We did well, we won the war on terror on that one. We've got to keep going back and back."
"Мне плевать что вы обо мне думаете, я о вас не думаю вообще." Коко Шанель
Playing for England will be: John Bishop, Marvin Humes, Jason Isaacs, Paddy McGuinness, Aston Merrygold, Olly Murs, Mark Owen, Ben Shephard, Jamie Theakston and Jonathan Wilkes with Robbie Williams as Captain. They will be joined by football legends Graeme Le Saux, Martin Keown, Kevin Phillips, David Seaman, Teddy Sheringham and Des Walker. Sam Allardyce will be the Manager with Peter Reid as Assistant Manager and Bradley Walsh as Coach.
Playing for Rest of the World will be: Gerard Butler, Joe Calzaghe, Will Ferrell, Woody Harrelson, Patrick Kielty, James McAvoy, Mike Myers, Ed Norton, Sergio Pizzorno and Gordon Ramsay with Michael Sheen as Captain. They will be joined by football legends Hernan Crespo, Roy Keane, Clarence Seedorf, Jaap Stam, Edwin Van Der Sar and Freddie Ljunberg. Kenny Dalglish will be the Manager with Ian Rush as Assistant Manager and Eric Harrison as Coach.
"Мне плевать что вы обо мне думаете, я о вас не думаю вообще." Коко Шанель
Tom Meighan says R.I.P. to rock and discusses new cinema show
Before work begins on Kasabian's follow-up to their 2010 No.1 album 'Velociraptor!', the band release live film, 'Kasabian Live! Live at the O2', which will be screened at special selected cinemas across the UK on 30 May, 2012.
Shot on their sell-out 2011 tour, the filmed show sees the band perform at one of the UK's biggest indoor arenas - and is a must watch for Kasabian fans. Ahead of the film's one-day cinema release, we caught up with Tom Meighan of the band to discuss whether fans should have popcorn or beer during the showings, their attempts to crack the USA and what they have planned for their fifth studio album...
читать дальше Hello Tom. What stands out to you about the O2 performance on the film? The fact it was just an amazing occasion. Most events put on by a rock band in an arena are a memorable occasion. It was just a bloody good rock show and that was whole point in filming it. The stand out moment for me was 'Fire', but the whole thing was a spectacle.
Did you ever imagine people watching your live shows sat in comfortable seats eating popcorn? Not really! Watching a live rock show and eating popcorn is a weird one for me. They should be serving alcohol with the movie, shouldn't they? That would be better, but I guess it's not meant to be like that. I can't imagine seeing the show on at the cinema but I imagine it's a proper spectacle and it looks amazing. Just to have it shown at the cinema is amazing. I think a lot of people will be smuggling alcohol into those screenings. I think really that someone should go down and film one of the showings and get everyone's reaction. I think that would be incredible.
What's the best performance from another band that you've ever seen? Probably the Bootleg Beatles - honestly no sh*t, they are amazing. They're like the real thing. I was blown away by them, they were outstanding. It's like actually seeing John Lennon, Paul, Ringo and George. It's got to be them.
You've spoken recently about reinventing the band's sound. How far would you go with a reinvention? We're always trying to reinvent ourselves and trying to push it as far as we can as a band. The last record we made, we had a load of pop songs on there, we'd never really touched on that before. On the first album it was proper underground electro record and 'Empire' was a pure rock record. We just made simple songs really. We're always trying to push the boundaries or come up with something new. The next album might just be nine songs with no guitars and electronic drums. Imagine that. We'll be experimenting, that's for sure. It depends on your band as to how far you push things, what you do, what you listen to, what you think. We'll always keep on going forwards.
What steps have been made towards the next Kasabian album? Sergio is always writing. He's a workaholic. He never stops. He's the leader. I definitely know he's got loads of songs written for the next album. I've heard a few glimpses of tracks, but nothing full. I reckon he's got 8-10 tracks written. It's a bit early for him to show me though.
8-10 songs? That's an album right there. He might have 30, that's just how it is.
You've also spoken about still wanting to crack America. What do you think it says about music that artists like The Wanted or One Direction have succeeded so easily? It's frustrating but that's just the way it is. We're a rock band and we get by on playing live and that's how we get our kicks. We go into the studio, experiment on a record, and then go out and play it. That's how we thrive. Playing live is our religion, it's what we live for. Of course it's frustrating when you see five little d*cks like that take over America, it's horrific but you've just got to get on with it, but they're a boyband for God's sake and there will always be room for boybands and that is the way it will always be. We went to America and it was a harsh f**king tour we did. We did nearly eight weeks out there and it was f**king gruelling. It was the hardest we've ever been pushed. We did well, we won the war on terror on that one. We've got to keep going back and back. Most gigs were brilliant, we had a lot of people in. Middle America is so big. It was emotional and tiring - but it was a great tour.
We imagine One Direction's experience would have been a lot different to yours. Of course. They're kids. Let them eat the candy.
A lot of bands are struggling in today's pop-orientated market. Do you think Kasabian would have struggled to make it big if you were starting today? Probably. We weren't meant to be starting now though, it's a timeline thing. We were meant to be around, and still be around now. There are a lot of amazing bands coming out now thought but it is so difficult. You have to be able to sell records to establish yourself so it's a weird one. It's not like the nineties. How do you sell records these days? Rock and roll is resting in peace at the moment. I will definitely come around again, but this is what happens. Record companies go bust, bands go bust, people don't buy albums. Back in the nineties, we probably sold ninety million albums because everyone bought an album. I dunno man, that's just the way it is. We were signed in 2002 when all the garage bands were coming through, bands like Franz Ferdinand, Keane, Razorlight and The Libertines and we were the crop of that. That was the crop of rock and roll in Britain.
You've been headlining festivals for several years. Who do you think are your successors? Bloody hell. I got the Alabama Shakes record, that's a great record. A good soul album. But apart from that, I don't really know. I'd like to see the Horrors headline. They're great.
Without Glastonbury on the festival scene this year, what would you say was this summer's must-see festival? Reading and Leeds. It's dirtier than the rest of the festivals. It's more urban, a bit more grimy than the rest of the festivals. It's not so polished.
"Мне плевать что вы обо мне думаете, я о вас не думаю вообще." Коко Шанель
я домаааааааааааааааааааа!!!! вещи свалены в кучу в прихожей, все потом боже - аааа кофе и сигарета. трое суток без сигарет печально, я подсела на сигареты, но я 3 дня мечтала о "кофе+сигарета+комп+удобное икеевское кресло", а также о быстром интернете, большом экране, хорошем звуке от домашнего кинотеатра мну счастлива я интернетзадрот
приятная композиция с легким дабом Alex Clare - Too Close
"Мне плевать что вы обо мне думаете, я о вас не думаю вообще." Коко Шанель
Когда нынешний наследник британской короны, принц Чарльз, учился в Кембридже, с ним на все занятия ходил телохранитель. Кембриджская система обучения позволила бодигварду участвовать в обсуждении и диспутах. И в конце обучения преподаватели предложили ему сдать экзамены. В итоге телохранитель набрал больше баллов, чем сам принц и тоже получил диплом .
"Мне плевать что вы обо мне думаете, я о вас не думаю вообще." Коко Шанель
на выходные приехали к родственникам в небольшой город в частный дом. Брат, глядя на огород: "это же как "Веселый фермер", только в живую!" дааааа уж, дитя цивилизации и интернета )))))
"Мне плевать что вы обо мне думаете, я о вас не думаю вообще." Коко Шанель
Перенимаю эстафетную палочку у Дримери и treppa по поводу поисковых запросов. Итак, что ищут у меня
Много запросов по следующим словам: филипп филлипс, джереми реннер, серж пиццорно, том мейган, скарлет йохансон, том хиддлстон, татуировка джереми реннера, дауни младший.
Некоторые запросы позабавили или заставили задуматься:
учимся разбираться в искусстве – о да, из меня такой учитель, как научу
читаури – ээээээ, я что-то и близко такого в своем дневнике не припоминаю. Это вообще о чем?
как я вас узнаю я буду в говно – причем много раз искалось. видимо никак не могли друг друга найти
гослинг в драйв – если это был фанат Гослинга, вряд ли он обрадовался моему посту про этот фильм
мария церрера – я даже не знаю кто это и как она попала в мой дневник. Но имя знакомое
падение нравов – вы пытаетесь в этом убедиться, читая мой дневник? )))
мстители чем закончился – все умрут. Вы так думали? Бля, хэппи эндом естественно, хорошие победят, плохие будут наказаны. Странные люди ))
британский флаг на одежде к чему это – а это оказывается к чему то? ))
зад реннера – ммм…
лысина для фотошопа – теряюсь в догадках
том мейган мужик – кто бы сомневался
том мейган зая - поддерживаю
том мейган бля – вот здесь не поняла, уточните плиз ))
ненавижу касабов – ну так и валите из дневника
еду на rock im park – кто я?! Я неее ((
скарлет йохансон и подушки – что за странная фантазия
урок труда в маладших классах – деточка, тебе бы на урок русского не помешало бы
бляяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяя – какой многозначительный запрос. Что вы намеривались найти? )))
серж пиццорно дневники - к сожалению Серж не ведет у меня свой дневник ))
кью лори – кью? ))
с утра пьют либо аристократы – на этом и остановимся )) мы же аристократы ))
коротко о главном заебало – искалось несколько раз. Как я понимаю ))
"Мне плевать что вы обо мне думаете, я о вас не думаю вообще." Коко Шанель
Сколько домашней клубники!!!! Не просто красивой, как на рынке, но и безумно ароматной и сладкой, и разных сортов!!! Вчера вместо того, чтобы распаковать вещи, переодеться или просто зайти в дом, прямиком направилась в огород. Пришла мама, стала отсчитывать, чтобы я не ела клубнику с грядки, она же грязная. Ога, щазззз, с грядки вкуснее. Дали небольшой тазик, но пока собрала его, столько же съела.
Я хочу остаться здесь на неделю, в доме бабушки, где в детстве проводила все лето. Домашние овощи и фрукты, нет суматохи, спешки - отдых для мозга и тела (чего только стоит валятся после обеда на железной кровати с сеткой в огороде под раскидистой абрикосой). В общем, нега и полнейшее лентяйство.